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Custom K8s configuration

On our GitHub page you can find some examples on custom configuration.

External Database

Configuring Database

The application uses the bitnami postgres deployment by default. If an alternative to the default database is intended, the required values can be configured though the Helm chart.

# SQL-config.yaml

  enabled: false
  host:    exivity-db-host
  port:    5432
        database:         exivity-db-name
        username:         your-db-username-for-exivity
        password:         set-this-from-the-command-line

Use randomly generated secure passwords when installing by using the --set or --set-string flag on the helm install command to overwrite the default values.


# Example postgresql settings for use in your exivity values.yaml, when wanting to deploy a larger PostgreSQL instance

  # -- Install PostgreSQL
  enabled: true
    # -- Size of the persistent volume
      size: 50Gi
    # -- Size of the buffers and memory used by PostgreSQL
    extendedConfiguration: |
      shared_buffers = 2GB
      work_mem = 32MB
      wal_buffers = 64MB
        # -- Database name
        database:         exivity
        # -- Database username
        username:         exivity
        # -- Database password
        password:         Password12!
        # -- Database root password, not needed when you bring your own DB
        postgresPassword: Password13!

# Example postgresql settings for use in your exivity values.yaml, when using a separately hosted PostgreSQL instance

  # -- Don't deploy a PostgreSQL instance on the cluster
  enabled: false
        # -- Database name
        database:         exivity
        # -- Database username
        username:         exivity
        # -- Database password
        password:         Password12!
        # -- Database root password, not needed when you bring your own DB
        postgresPassword: Password13!

  # -- Your own DB host
  host:       ""
  # -- Your own DB port
  port:       5432
  # -- Your own DB sslmode: enable/disable
  sslmode:    "enable"

Database Initialization

Be default, installing or upgrading the Exivity Helm Deployment will also schedule a Job which will initialize the database. The script that is executed by the container running the tasks is idempotent, running it on every update on the Chart deployment ensures that the state of the database is correct. The Job will be retried 4 times before being cancelled, and the TTL for the job is set to 300 seconds.

Be mindful that spec.template.spec on a Job object is immutable; redeploying the application when the database-init Job object still exists may return an error for that reason.

External AMQP provider

The application uses a containerized RabbitMQ by default. If an alternative to that default service is intended, the required values can be configured though the Helm chart.

# AMQP-config.yaml

  enabled: false
  host:    your-ampq-host
  port:    5672
  vhost:   /
    username: your-AMPQ-username
    password: set-this-from-the-command-line

Details for all the available configuration options can be found on the chart page.

Use randomly generated secure passwords when installing by using the --set or --set-string flag on the helm install command to overwrite the default values.


# Example rabbitmq settings for use in your exivity values.yaml, when using a separately hosted RabbitMQ instance

  # -- Don't deploy a RabbitMQ instance on the cluster
  enabled: false
    enabled: false

  # -- The username and password to connect to your RabbitMQ instance
    username:     user
    password:     pass

  # -- Your own RabbitMQ host
  host:    ""
  # -- Your own RabbitMQ port
  port:    5672
  # -- Your own RabbitMQ vhost
  vhost:   "/"
  # TLS connection: true/false
  secure:  true

Random Key Generation

The Exivity application uses a number of randomly generated strings for cryptographic purposes. Two of these are generated when installing the helm chart for the first time. Both of these will be deployed to the namespace as Kubernetes Secrets with a data entry containing a random alphanumeric string 32 characters in length. These two secrets are:

  • exivity-jwt-secret
  • exivity-app-key

On subsequent upgrades the values are not edited.

When uninstalling the helm chart, these object will be removed, and the values deleted with them.